Probe for EPMA- Enterprise Edition

Probe for EPMA Installation and Update

If you are using Probe for EPMA version 11.x or later, simply use the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu to automatically update your software to obtain the latest version. We are now releasing v. 13.x of CalcZAF and Probe for EPMA! If you currently have v. 10.x (or older) of CalcZAF or Probe for EPMA, you will have to use the links below to download the latest CalcZAF.msi installer (and also the ProbeforEPMA.msi installer if you are updating Probe for EPMA) and perform a new installation.

The current version of Probe for EPMA is 13.5.7 and the current version of Probe Image is 1.4.1, both which support JEOL 8900/8800, 8200/8100/8500 and 8230/8530 and Cameca SX100/SXFive instruments.

To download the installation files for Probe for EPMA please click here and here- you will need to install both CalcZAF.msi and ProbeForEPMA.msi for a complete installation.

Probe Image Installation and Update

For installing or updating Probe Image please click here. This is a ZIP file containing the ProbeImage.msi installer. You will need a password to unzip the installer, contact John Donovan or Julie Chouinard.