Sample EPMA Quantitative Output

St  396 Set   4 chromite (UC # 523-9)
TakeOff = 52.5  KiloVolts = 15  Beam Current = 20  Beam Size = 2
Number of Lines:  6 Number of 'Good' Lines:  6
Elemental Wt. % Total:  100.509     Average Total Oxygen:   33.111
Average Calcu. Oxygen:   32.034    Average Excess Oxygen:    1.077
Average Atomic Weight:   27.814    Average Atomic Number:   17.543
Average ZAF Iteration:     4.00    Average MAN Iteration:     3.00
Oxygen Calculated by Cation Stoichiometry and Included in the Matrix Correction
Results in Elemental Weight Percents
SPEC:        O      Ca      Mn      Ti      Ni       V
AVER:   33.111    .000    .225    .300    .000    .122
SDEV:     .089    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
BGDS:      MAN     MAN     MAN     MAN     MAN
ABS%:   -27.72   -1.87  -35.01  -44.69     .06
TIME:    10.00   10.00   10.00   10.00   10.00
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr   SUM  
   301    .006  20.690   7.819   6.236  32.066 100.660
   302    .000  20.762   7.673   6.312  31.778 100.168
   303    .000  20.777   7.821   6.153  32.062 100.620
   304    .000  20.894   7.647   6.408  31.751 100.409
   305    .000  20.865   7.662   6.349  32.145 100.877
   306    .007  20.780   7.705   6.213  31.925 100.319
AVER:     .002  20.795   7.721   6.278  31.955 100.509
SDEV:     .003    .074    .079    .094    .164
SERR:     .001    .030    .032    .039    .067
%RSD:    156.6      .4     1.0     1.5      .5
PUBL:     .005  20.692   7.690   6.290  31.905 100.271
%VAR:   -56.86     .50     .40    -.18     .16
STDS:       14     395      13      12      24
STKF:    .4176   .6775   .4474   .4920   .6402
STCT:   2681.1 10798.7  8895.2  6366.5  9872.9
UNKF:    .0000   .1853   .0512   .0367   .3061
UNCT:      -.1  2953.8  1017.4   474.6  4719.6
UNBG:      3.0    51.3    10.9     2.3    32.4
ZCOR:   1.3202  1.1221  1.5089  1.7119  1.0441
KRAW:    .0000   .2735   .1144   .0745   .4780
PKBG:      .97   58.53   94.55  206.31  146.49
Results in Oxide Weight Percents
SPEC:        O     CaO     MnO    TiO2     NiO    V2O3
AVER:    1.077    .000    .291    .500    .000    .179
SDEV:     .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
ELEM:     SiO2     FeO   Al2O3     MgO   Cr2O3   SUM  
   301    .012  26.617  14.774  10.342  46.867 100.660
   302    .000  26.710  14.498  10.467  46.445 100.168
   303    .000  26.730  14.778  10.203  46.861 100.620
   304    .000  26.880  14.448  10.626  46.407 100.409
   305    .000  26.842  14.476  10.528  46.983 100.877
   306    .016  26.733  14.558  10.303  46.661 100.319
AVER:     .005  26.752  14.589  10.412  46.704 100.509
SDEV:     .007    .095    .150    .157    .239
SERR:     .003    .039    .061    .064    .098
%RSD:    156.6      .4     1.0     1.5      .5
Results in Atomic Percents
SPEC:        O      Ca      Mn      Ti      Ni       V
AVER:   57.267    .000    .113    .173    .000    .066
SDEV:     .028    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr   SUM  
   301    .006  10.230   8.002   7.086  17.030 100.000
   302    .000  10.321   7.895   7.210  16.967 100.000
   303    .000  10.286   8.014   6.999  17.048 100.000
   304    .000  10.361   7.848   7.301  16.911 100.000
   305    .000  10.305   7.832   7.205  17.053 100.000
   306    .007  10.320   7.920   7.090  17.030 100.000
AVER:     .002  10.304   7.919   7.149  17.007 100.000
SDEV:     .003    .044    .076    .109    .056
SERR:     .001    .018    .031    .045    .023
%RSD:    156.7      .4     1.0     1.5      .3
Detection limit at 99 % Confidence in Elemental Weight Percent (Single Line):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
   301    .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
   302    .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
   303    .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
   304    .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
   305    .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
   306    .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
AVER:     .034     ---     ---     ---     ---
SDEV:     .000     ---     ---     ---     ---
SERR:     .000     ---     ---     ---     ---
Percent Analytical Error (Single Line):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
   301   288.4      .6     1.0     1.5      .5
   302  -116.0      .6     1.0     1.5      .5
   303 -1941.0      .6     1.0     1.5      .5
   304  -316.6      .6     1.0     1.4      .5
   305  -311.6      .6     1.0     1.5      .5
   306   227.1      .6     1.0     1.5      .5
AVER:   -361.6      .6     1.0     1.5      .5
SDEV:    815.9      .0      .0      .0      .0
SERR:    333.1      .0      .0      .0      .0
Range of Homogeneity in +/- Elemental Weight Percent (Average of Sample):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
  60ci    .000    .028    .031    .035    .059
  80ci    .000    .045    .050    .057    .095
  90ci    .000    .061    .069    .077    .130
  95ci    .000    .078    .088    .099    .166
  99ci    .000    .122    .138    .155    .260
Test of Homogeneity at 1.0 % Precision (Average of Sample):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
  60ci      no     yes     yes     yes     yes
  80ci      no     yes     yes     yes     yes
  90ci      no     yes     yes      no     yes
  95ci      no     yes      no      no     yes
  99ci      no     yes      no      no     yes
Level of Homogeneity in +/- Percent (Average of Sample):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
  60ci     4.7      .1      .4      .6      .2
  80ci     7.5      .2      .7      .9      .3
  90ci    10.3      .3      .9     1.2      .4
  95ci    13.1      .4     1.1     1.6      .5
  99ci    20.6      .6     1.8     2.5      .8
Detection Limit in Elemental Weight Percent (Average of Sample):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
  60ci    .003     ---     ---     ---     ---
  80ci    .005     ---     ---     ---     ---
  90ci    .007     ---     ---     ---     ---
  95ci    .010     ---     ---     ---     ---
  99ci    .015     ---     ---     ---     ---
Analytical Sensitivity in Elemental Weight Percent (Average of Sample):
ELEM:       Si      Fe      Al      Mg      Cr
  60ci    .000    .039    .044    .050    .084
  80ci    .000    .063    .071    .080    .134
  90ci    .000    .086    .097    .110    .184
  95ci    .000    .110    .124    .140    .234
  99ci    .001    .172    .195    .219    .367


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Room 307, McCone Hall
The University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-4767
Copyright 1998-2000, The Regents of the University of California